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at The River Walk resort
Kids Yoga Adventure
Sometimes being a kid can be tough. There is over stimulation, bullying at school or even at home on social media. Kids need a break and good coping skills to deal with the everyday stress that's not only in our grown up lives but our kids lives as well.
Through breath work and meditation Yoga can help kids deal with anger, anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed or rejected by friends. Meditation can help focus the mind and bring a calm to a child's life.
Through the various postures kids can gain self confidence and inner strength.
Kids gain strength to stand up for themselves as well as others
The discussions are just as important as the poses
While balancing on one foot can come in handy! Balancing poses go beyond the physical. Balance poses teach kids that by focusing the mind you can increase attention naturally, even in kids who have extra challenges.
We integrate the poses in different games and sequences. Then offer examples when the children might use balance in their everyday life.
Kids learn to deal with the anger
No one likes anger, but it happens. We help kids deal with the pretty emotions as well as the not so pretty. Let's arm our kids for success.
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